Potrebno je znati postojati

Ono što svakim danom ne primećujemo da postoji je upravo ono što nam u životu nije neophodno.Ljudi teže ka nagomilavanju stvari, osoba, problema… pa time ne samo da zatupljuju svoja čula već i zatrpavaju svoju dušu bespotrebnošću a njoj je isto kao i srcu potrebno da bude lagana i slobodna.

Dijana Zmija

Published by Dijana Čop Nešić

Mistress of the starry night. Always obsessed with mystical things and with the secrets of the universe. Crazy book lover. I write poems, stories, sophisms, novels. Also using creativity in every aspect of my life-professional makeup artist, astronomy lover and stargazer with a telescope, an introvert enjoying in my little world. Speaking serbian, english , spanish, norwegian adn russian so far. The winner of many awards in doman of literature . Still waiting to be accomplished as a writer in general, not just as a writer of blogs, magazines.... In love with heavy metal and rock and roll, singing and playing guitar too. I have my own compositions and many other things...Those who want to get to know me, can do it by the things i write daily cuz writing is my highest call.

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