Dijana Zmija-Dividir El Amor

Dividir el amor es dividir vuestro corazon. Y el mundo no se puede dividir mas, es simplemente porque estamos conectados unos con los otros-por el alma, por lo que amais, por lo que soñais..las fronteras que existen se encuentran solo en vuestras cabezas…Alli donde las hagais reales, vosotros mismos desapareceis.

Published by Dijana Čop Nešić

Mistress of the starry night. Always obsessed with mystical things and with the secrets of the universe. Crazy book lover. I write poems, stories, sophisms, novels. Also using creativity in every aspect of my life-professional makeup artist, astronomy lover and stargazer with a telescope, an introvert enjoying in my little world. Speaking serbian, english , spanish, norwegian adn russian so far. The winner of many awards in doman of literature . Still waiting to be accomplished as a writer in general, not just as a writer of blogs, magazines.... In love with heavy metal and rock and roll, singing and playing guitar too. I have my own compositions and many other things...Those who want to get to know me, can do it by the things i write daily cuz writing is my highest call.

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